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Monthly Yarn Clubs
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Gingerbread - Laceweight Fluff
Smog - Laceweight Fluff
Spectre - Laceweight Fluff
What IS Pumpkin Spice Anyway? 4ply 100% Merino yarn
Cauldron - 4ply 100% Merino yarn
Fuzzy Duck - Laceweight Fluff
Ectoplasm - Laceweight Fluff
Elvira - Laceweight Fluff
Yarn Winding Service - Add On
Twisted Tales Monthly Yarn Club
So Hot Right Now - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Elvira - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Basilisk - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Didn't You Have A Flaming Sword? - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Lady Macbeth - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Everything Starts Somewhere - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Tell Tale Heart - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
So Fetch - 4ply or DK yarn - choice of bases
Ice Wolf - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
A Teaspoon And An Open Mind - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Halcyon - 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Quoth - black semisolid 4ply and DK yarn - choice of bases
Tell Tale Heart - DK Polwarth Lustre
Into The Woods - 4ply and DK - choice of bases